By: Martin Rand, III

Date: October 10, 2012

Google has its giant foot in almost every technological industry today. The once search engine only website has branched out from its beginnings to explore mobile devices, mobile operating systems, an online marketplace, television and now-- cars.

From its roundness and unusual playful design, this concept Apple iCar could be just what Apple needs to leave people in awe.

Yes, Google has recently secured a license to legally test drive automated cars on California streets. This comes only months after getting a similar license in Nevada.

Automated cars are classified as cars that can drive on the street without assistance from a human. Using GPS, mapping sensors and other technology, the car will be able to navigate on the open road.

Google developing car technology like this leads to me to believe only one thing: Apple isn't far behind.

After a much hyped press conference for the unveiling of its new iPhone 5 last month, there were a lot of writers and consumers who felt like the new phone was an upgrade over previous generations but wasn't an innovation for the company.

This is what Apple has been missing since 2010 when it unleashed the first iPad on the world and opened up a whole new market. A new creation is needed for a company that has built its reputation on being a trendsetter.

See more pictures of the concept Apple iCar

An Apple car or "iCar" is on the way and here's why.

It's a well known fact that Apple hates Google; more importantly, Apple hates competition. After battling with Microsoft for much of the 90s and early 2000s over desktop operating system dominance, it now finds itself battling Google for the top mobile OS, and Google is winning the battling. To counter, Apple decided to get rid of the much favored Google Maps for its iOS 6 and replace it with its, so far flawed and panned, Apple Maps navigation app.

If Apple can't handle Google leading in the mobile world and in map navigation, no way would they let Google get a leg up on them in the auto industry.

However, Apple is actually no stranger to the auto industry. They have been working with various car companies including BMW, Audi and Mercedes-Benz on integrating its Siri voice assistant technology into these cars. Siri would work the same as it does on the iPhone. The driver would be able to push a button, probably located on the steering wheel for easy access, and then Siri will be able to help the driver with a variety of functions.

This toe that Apple has in the auto industry door will help propel the iCar into existence. Plus, with Google obtaining licenses for automated cars Apple should have no problem getting a license and developing technology that utilizes Siri as the automated driver.

The final reason why Apple has to make an iCar is because it's what its late-great founder Steve Jobs wanted. Although, he never got around to actually designing the car himself, Jobs had a vision for an iCar on the road. Even if Apple doesn't want to compete with Google for on the road supremacy, the least they could do is fulfill a wish of the man who made the company the top company in American history and develop an iCar in his memory.

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An Apple iCar would be pretty interesting. Along with Siri being the automated driver, the passenger could have have their iCloud integrated into the car. This means that people will be able to listen to their iTunes music library, and audio books via the radio. In addition, they'll also be able to watch movies from their iCloud on any screen that comes in the car. The icing on the cake is that the car would also be able to act a as mobile hotspot so, people with iPod Touches and wifi-only iPads will be able to access the internet through their devices on the go.

The world is definitely in the age of technology and Google proved that this year. The only question is: will Apple be able to keep up and develop its own car? They need something big for the critics and consumers; more importantly they need something bigger than Google.

While Google is developing technology for automated cars is huge, if Apple can develop it's own automated car with everything I mentioned above, that will eclipse anything Google achieves. All Apple has to do is make sure when Google releases it's software for automated cars, its right there showcasing it's brand new iCar.

Image Credit: The Daily Disc

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