By: Martin Rand, III
Date: February 5, 2010

I don't understand why everyone seems surprised about the recent events to happen at Toyota. If anything, people, especially Toyota, should have seen this coming. Toyota has been the number one car manufactured in the world for years and has the top selling car of all time, but just like any company, any sports team or anything else at the top of its world, at some point, it will come to an end. Why did it come to an end for Toyota? For one reason: Toyota got too comfortable.

Toyota still wanted to to make a quality car, however, they didn't do the same things that got them to the top. For instance, the Prius brake problems can be attributed to the multi-development of the part. Two different companies made the part and and Toyota failed to make sure the two parts work the same way for its cars.

Toyota got to the top based on two things: dependability and reliability. Ten years ago, most car manufactures were far beyond the quality the that Toyota was offering, but that was 10 years ago. Competition like Ford and Hyundai make better vehicles that are just as reliable and dependable as Toyota. Also, other car companies like Honda and GM can, and probably will, benefit from Toyota's mistakes.

With almost eight million cars recalled since last November, Toyota is going to have work hard to get its gold standard reputation back.

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